I've been learning how to create dot/line pattern animations in Procreate, which can be manipulated in After Effects. I was able to learn this through SkillShare using tutorials but have since adjusted settings and experimented with my own ideas.
I started on my iPad, drawing a line and animating a dot moving along it (extending to a line to show speed).
This (left) is the shape I used from the tutorial...
The below image is my second attempt with a more complex shape...
I then exported these as photoshop PSD files to be imported into After Effects.
I have also exported these as GIFs to show the animations.
I imported the PSD file into AE and separated out all the frames, using keyframe assistant I ordered each frame in a staggered position to show my full animation. I was able to duplicate the precomp, arranging them in different rotations over each other. I then adjusted the timings and overlap to create a more complex pattern, I added tint effects with keyframes to highlight when the line was travelling fastest. I played around with blurs and scatter effects in order to get a glow, I duplicated the comp several times and used "add" layer effects. I also turned on a stagger effect with left an echo of each line.